Read more Our approach Organisations that invest in their people earn a greater chance to adapt to market rapid changes and increase their competitivity. From Team Building to individual coaching, SCBSI is here to delight you. VISION 360 Management Management Teams that embrace the 'One Voice, One Goal' concept, and lead by Coaching their teams will earn more loyalty and productivity. This will in turn entice single contributors to delight their clients. EXCELLENCE Read more Increased Sales Selling is not just an art, it is a science. The best do not rely on relationships only, they educate their clients and prospects. Average performers can be taught to be better. ACCURATE FORECASTING Read more

Explore Our Training and Workshops

  • Turnaround Interview! Turn off your problems without turning off your people!


Explore our training and workshops!

A world of opportunities.
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Down to earth, Comprehensive, Personalised approach!

Sales Performance

The ‘Challenger Sales Approach’ is the most advanced methodology to achieve greater sales. In fact Challengers Sales people sell 50% more on average than other type of sales people. We also provide tools and techniques to better manage sales, to have more accurate forecasting, and help implement Sales Processes that work. Simple but efficient.

Leadership Coaching

Leaders that coach earn more from their teams than leaders that tell. Helping direct reports to be better and aim to the next position is what improves retention. Coaching is an acquired skill, our CCC Certified Business Coaches will help your leaders to delight their direct reports by providing tips and techniques that will help the entire company to better succeed.

Team Building

Virtual Reality is the core of our Team Building workshops. We embark your teams in a safe but chaotic voyage. Each step of the voyage is followed by a debrief and coaching session lead by a Business Certified Coach. Your teams will identify areas of improvements and will be guided to find the best approach to optimise collaboration. New leaders will emerge and pave the way to long term success. During the Team Building exercise, we will be able to evaluate areas that need improvement. At the request of our clients, and based on our findings, we will create a totally personalized coaching program.


Our simple and efficient methodology teaches HR professionals, managers, and supervisors the secret techniques for getting an employee to break a bad habit without using discipline.
It is the perfect solution for lack of productivity, minor quality or documentation problems, procedural violations, lateness, excessive personal phone calls, dress code problems, extended breaks, negative attitudes, and minor safety violations. During Turnaround Interview training, managers and supervisors learn to apply the four steps that foresee and defuse natural defense mechanisms used by employees. They will also learn to appeal to employees’ pride to increase the engagement to change their behavior.


Vision 360 is an integrated methodology that provide our clients with expert coaching throughout the various departments of their company. From a modern Team Building using Virtual Reality, we get our client’s Management team to act and think as one. We coach our client’s team to identify where inefficiencies are and how to remove them. We have developed an intimate knowledge of every part of our client’s organizations in industries like manufacturing, banking, distribution, high tech, municipalities, as well as Federal and provincial agencies. This allows us to personalise our coaching one client at the time.

Higher Productivity
Better Retention
Better loyalty from clients

Satisfied Turnaround Interview participants


Executive Coached


Customer facing people trained


Clients served

Our Pledge


We will provide you with the approaches and methods to delight your employees, customers and partners.

Better leaders through group or individual coaching

Seamless team collaboration using
virtual reality experience

Increasing sales and revenue with accurate forecasts

Turn you people problems off not your people

Ask us about our free assessment sessions!

A world of opportunities.
Contact us!

Investing in Coaching to Delight your People

People are without a doubt for us, not only the biggest asset a company has, but the most profitable when invested in. When looking at companies that surpasses market growth with companies that are merely following, one of the obvious differences is how far are employees to go to delight customers and partners. When employees feel empowered, know that they are able to make mistakes and that they receive the support and tools to grow their careers, they will go the extra mile. When employees are delighted, they will always make sure that whichever client they touch, will be satisfied by the experience. Tools like Coaching, Co-Development and Team Building are recognized to produce this effect on people.

Team Building with a punch!

When your team is immersed in Virtual Reality, chaotic situations are embraced, communications are clear, and new leaders emerge.

Selling is not an art, it is a science.

The best know that the process of selling is rigourous and any missed step will reduce the chances of winning.

Pride as a motivator.

Good employees need guidance to find solutions to stop bad habits, and commit to do it. Turnaround Interview is the non-disciplinary approach for that.

Co-Development for better leaders.

Learning from peers of different sectors is a great way to improve one’s professional skills.

Enterprise Assessment

Nor many people like to open up to their leaders. Our ‘No name’ dropped approach help key members to express their discomfort. The result is an better picture of the situation.

Leaders that coach get more.

When people feel respected, supported and coached, they deliver more. Leaders that coach and empower their direct reports benefit from that.

WorldCafe to get the right answer.

WorldCafe is a unique proven way to get the righ unified answers from multiple participants.


Over the last 20 years, we have helped dozen of small, medium, and large compagnies having national and international reach. Our ‘roll up the sleeves’ approach helped our clients in improving Management Team collaboration, Sales, and Revenue as well as employee’s productivity. We continue to look for new methods and tools to support our clients.



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